Sunday, November 29, 2009

Heaven Song

Listened to Phil Wickham's new album on the way home, and it kind of rocked my socks off.. though his voice is kind of beautiful and I almost fell asleep, I couldn't change to a different cd. The first song on the album is "Eden". Ironically it fits perfectly with the blog entry I just wrote yesterday about The Fall.. So that was pretty sweet sauce..

And then I continued listening to it when I got back to Springfield, and Heaven Song began playing. I tuned in to the lyrics and I was filled with awesome wonder.
I'm pretty sure I want this song played at my funeral celebration one day.

Oh, and today is my birthday.. and I feel so blessed to be surrounded by amazing, awesome loving friends and family. So thanks for that, yo's.. you know who you are :)

1 comment:

Jabulani said...

I'm not sure if this will work off my phone or not but I figured I'd try cause I'm lying in bed and thought I would read some of your blogs before going to bed cause they def beat twilight. Twilight doesn't even compare actually ;) I enjoyed that video. He's got some really neat lyrics. Btw I'm glad you didn't fall asleep listening to him while you drive back cause I don't think I'd appreciate his stuff as much.