Monday, January 18, 2010

Faithful Fog

I feel overwhelmed about this semester already and it hasn't even begun. That has to be a bad sign. I have packed days, everyday. I am not that person who has to be busy all the time. I actually don't understand how a human being can function under pressure.. I just crack. I am that person who requires free time and solitude to even out the busy days. It seems everyone is busy this semester or their heads are jam packed with the question of "what next?"
I just want to encourage my friends, my mentors, my loved ones... don't be too busy or stressed for what the Lord is teaching you right now.
We always worry about the future and what life is going to bring and we forget about enjoying how far God has brought us already. Looking back, I can honestly say with full confidence, that He has guided me to the place I am today. I get butterflies in my stomach just acknowledging that His presence is one of protection and gentle nudging to grow deeper in Him. Two years ago I made a mistake that sent me to a small college that seemed too close to home. But God has revealed to me that this is where He wanted me, no matter the choices I made along the way... I am here and am closer to Jesus than I have ever been. It is too beautiful, too perfect to be a coincidence or a mistake. He shows me evidence in my past that gives me confidence for my future...

Talking with close friends I realize we are all uneasy about what happens after this semester. The future is like freezing fog (which I found is an actual term the other night). It is so hard to see in front of us, until we begin to move... suddenly the looming dark objects become clear that we approach.
God is not just going to give us answers if we are stagnant. God is about movement, flexibility, sacrifice... and growing closer to Him. When my eyes are fixed on the Lord it seems that spiritually (and sometimes worldly) things fall into place. So why do we worry? "It does not add a second on to our life".. In these times of panic about a foggy future and no exact direction.. just embrace what God has done, remember His faithfulness.. and start moving forward from there. It becomes clearer with every step we take.

"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 22-23


amanda said...

Thank you. This just reaffirms everything you told me last night. And after prayer and just stilling my heart and thoughts and giving it all to Him I'm less anxious. Thanks Em, love ya

Gretchen Magruder said...

What a great reminder. We'll miss so much if we don't remember to be present in every moment this semester. It's gonna be an amazing Spring!