Monday, March 8, 2010

Carving Away Prejudices

As I was enjoying the morning air around 7:30 and talking to God about my life, I suddenly realized that I have stopped doing what I enjoy. I have been fed up with the art world lately.. and fancy artists who think I need to know so much about art in order to create it. I have taken these frustrations out on creativity all together telling God that I can serve Him in other ways. Which I think is partially true. I want to remain open to other abilities and gifts that aren't so apparent. But to give up on something I was/am so passionate and excited about? Obviously, this is God given. But I never thought it would be applicable with how I live out my life in ministry or as a missionary. And, maybe it won't be, but.. what if it could be? Why am I playing it down so much and looking at it in disgust? Last night I took one of JB's mugs he had thrown on the wheel and began carving on it. The effect it had on me was awesome. I thought it looked pretty sweet, I know I am so modest, but it also reminded me how it felt to be excited about art work. It wasn't even for a class.. just because I wanted to create. And so this morning in my walk, I felt God urging me to pursue this, and for some odd reason I bought some oven bake clay today and am going to experiment with sculpting necklaces and such, and also continuing carving on mugs. I am actually really excited about doing this, and I really don't even know why. It may be a new hobby.. or, hopefully, a new open door!

1 comment:

Jabulani said...

Yay! I can't wait to have more mugs carved, cause they do look super sweet! And I'm so glad you and God had that talk this morning. He's pretty awesome at encouraging us when we need encouragement. I can't wait for more awesome art pieces that you create, in whatever form: clay, painting, wax or even awesomely abstract wood pieces ;)

I really hope you pursue creating for the rest of your life in some way, because 1) you are an incredible artist in many different medias 2) your art pieces make so many people happy, and make people think 3) and most importantly you glorify God with the talents He's bestowed on you and you do it joyfully :)

Keep on making beautiful and creative art!