Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Hard Lesson in Love.

As I was listening to a podcast a couple days ago at work, I felt the Holy Spirit teaching me a hard lesson. It was a podcast by Francis Chan called "When God Doesn't Listen", which I first thought was blasphemy by the title. I don't think that anymore.

The message was about Joshua, and mostly chapter 7 about Achan's sinful nature, and how from him being dishonorable, he led all of Israel to be cursed and to lose in battle. No one had known Achan had stolen some plunder of God's "devoted things" such as money and fancy-schmancy robes and such. He couldn't help himself, so he secretly sinned. But God knew, and He punished all of Israel because of this. Well, Joshua got pretty upset. He mourned and prayed asking why God had brought them that far just to be defeated. And I love this part. God answers,
"Get Up"
He tells Joshua to be active.. to find out who has sinned, who has broken the covenant. So Joshua does, and Achan admits to his treachery. Then, what gets me the most, is that they stone Achan to death. It doesn't seem very forgiving, and it is kind of hard to digest, but it was them purifying their "body" before God. Cutting off the hand that causes them to sin. And then God puts His blessing over them in protection once more.

Chan also talked about a verse.. I don't remember where, but I have read it before, and it amazes me at how I had believed a different mindset for so long. And how this is hard to adjust to. He was reading about how we have no right to judge those people who do not know Christ.. yet, it is our duty and responsibility to judge those that call themselves Christians. We must hold our brothers and sisters accountable. And if those so-called Christians do not repent of their sins, then we must not associate with them at all. We must not talk to them or eat at the table with them. (I really need to find this verse!) Now I understand this verse perfectly. God wants us to "give them over to the hand of satan" so they will be totally lost and want to come back. It is a loving act.

I was talking to JB about this yesterday... and I feel like we don't do this well. No one does. We have gotten in this hippie mind-set to love everyone.. don't judge anyone. And that is fine, for those people that don't know Christ. But it is the hypocrites and the people who sleep around with boyfriends and girlfriends, or get plastered, or hate their brother and then show up to church or CSF claiming they know Jesus.. these people we must judge and let them know they are doing wrong. It is our duty to inform them. Have we done that? Do we love people enough to go as far as calling them out of their sin? Do we love our friends and family enough to shun them if they are hypocrites? I don't know if I can love like that..

It has been an uneasy couple of days thinking about this, and how I can live like Jesus, even when it is hard. He tells us that these people God will give over to satan and will not listen to their pleads. Their prayers will be in vain. I guess the better question is.. When have you been to prideful to repent, yet expect God to answer your prayers? When seeing it in the light, it seems arrogant and selfish. Why would God bring joy in your life if you are defiling His kingdom and hurting his sons and daughters?

How do we exile "christians" who give us a bad name and do it arrogantly? How do we ge the Achan's out of our midst?

I don't know all the answers.. but this is what God has been showing me lately from His word. Think about it, pray about it.. This could be you.


Gretchen Magruder said...

Em, this is so good. I think we've started to get the first part of community - - the loving, accepting, togetherness part.....but you're right, that we miss something if we don't guard the community against sin.

And now that you mention it...I had been wanting to talk with you about something....


Jabulani said...

Dang, Gretchen beat me to the first comment...

Em I think it's super duper cool that you wrote this out to share with everyone. I'm glad we were able to discuss it some yesterday, but I feel like it's def a good wake up call to everyone who is a believer.

I hope and pray you keep writing biblical truths especially ones that are hard to hear and are convicting.

One of these days you're going to write and have a book published, I just know it :)

The verses I found were 1 Tim 1:20 and 1 Cor 5, the first few verses. But I think you're right and Jesus says something like that too.

You're seriously incredible Em :)