1. What has been your most memorable Mother's Day? (with your mom, as a mom, or with your wife)
Is it sad that I don't have a most memorable one? Maybe I should do something special for my mom next year...
2. Have you ever been pulled over for speeding and were you able to talk your way out of it?
I haven't been pulled over from speeding.. my friend, Andrew, has in my car though. But I never seem to have to talk my way out of tickets because once the cop finds out who my dad is.. usually their old boss, then they tell me to say hello to him, and let me go on my way.
3. What's the oldest thing you have hanging in your closet?
Probably my old Weezer t-shirt that I got in my early high school years. I still wear it.
4. Do you whiten your teeth?
I have a couple times.. but its been a year or so..
5. Underwear or Panties..What do you call your "unmentionables"?
Underwear or sometimes undies..
6. If you could go on vacation right now..today..where would you go?
Estes Park, Colorado... Paris...Vermont... Alaska...anywhere but the midwest...
7. Do you get offended when people cuss on their blogs?
Not offended, but I hate hearing people cuss, and hate seeing it as well.
8. If you had to give up one luxury item, it would be....?
If my teeth would naturally stay clean and healthy.. I would love to give up brushing my teeth.. it grosses me out every time I do it.

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