Friday, June 4, 2010

Creation of Baby and of Aunt

It is a huge debate whether the baby begins life at conception or birth or somewhere in between. My sister-in-law has been pregnant for 3 months.. and I am confident in saying that I have been an aunt for three months now, even though it was just today that I found out the news when my brother called me. Phil, who I see as the mean, older brother of my youth, is now having a child of his own.
Life is so strange.
Little aliens who form into beautiful creations come out gasping for breath and screaming their first hello's. And as they grow they learn to communicate and be loved and to love. Their first instincts are..
hold me, feed me, take care of me.. I need you.
How, if we are all an accident, did the universe create feelings? How did atoms and an explosion create love? How are we able to communicate and care for one another if we truly believe there is nothing before and after us?
Sure, some may believe in survival of the fittest, and that it is our barbaric way of getting what we want and need. But if that is what we are made up of then we would kill each other to get what we want and not worry about communication or mercy. Underneath all the food, clothes, science, materialism...
we all crave the need to be accepted and to feel a contentment with who we are.. and why we are.
If we did not have a Creator that first loved us and showed us how to love, then where did we learn it from? Rocks? The fish or monkeys we evolved from? (Okay,sure, monkeys can be loving.. but they also fling poo, if you want to be associated with that, go ahead...) But seriously.. None of this makes sense in the science realm. Science cannot explain a creator, but can it explain love and grace and joy and sympathy?
I honestly do want to know the thoughts of non-believers and their explanation of why we are more than our cells and bones, and how that came to be.

The little...rascal..(the sex is unknown, so I need something to call him/her until he/she is born!) is due on December 12th and I am going to be praying for her or him every day. Life is so frail, and so wonderful. It starts with two people. But before that, it started with one loving creator who blessed us with the opportunity to love something back.
I can't wait to see all the new experiences being an aunt may bring...
and watching little rascal grow.

1 comment:

Jabulani said...

I love your blogs Em. And I am in the same opinion of how in the world people can come up with crazy ideas of coming from little blobs of goo that can love, care, have joy and so many other emotions that just do not fit in with the whole "survival of the fittest" idea. It blows my mind. There was a book that I saw when we were setting up our office the other day called "I don't have enough faith to be an athiest" I just thought it was interesting, cause it really does take more faith, in my opinion, to believe in the random explosion of stars to create the right mix of elements that lead to "life." All I know Em, is that God creates life and it is good.