Jonathan introduced me to this band.. and I listened to them today for the first time.. and I really like them.. meet, Daphne Loves Derby, two on my list! listen to them on purevolume: http://www.purevolume.com/daphnelovesderby

I started watching the TV show Pushing Daisies, because someone recommended it on another blog. I am on Episode 3 in the first season. It is definitely different from any other tv show i have ever seen. I mean, the main character can bring people back to life (with consequences)...so you know its an interesting show just with that. I also like Chuck (the girl in the yellow) and her outfits. Its like a happy Tim Burton show.

I have been eating Spinach leaves like they are going out of style lately.. I love their green-ness.. I don't have to worry about hard white edges like in iceberg lettuce. Thank you God for giving variety in veggies! (This is a meal I made the other night!)

While my nose still heals, I have been browsing different styles of nose studs, and came across this cute one on etsy! It made my number five...

Hope everyone has an amazing week, and enjoy the creations whether by God or man, that is all around you! We are a creative bunch...
In Christ,
ps.. (I need a creative title for this weekly list.. and I used up all of my creativeness in the blog.. soo.. help?)
I thought about doing it on Tuesdays.. then I could call it Tuesday's Treasures..?
Title Ideas: Bacon goes good with everything especially on Wednesdays, Totally Awesome Thursdays, 5 Fun Ideas Fridays, Super Dooper Reflections Sunday...No? None of those? How about Tuesday's Treasures? I like that one ;)
I'm glad you were able to enjoy your puppies today :) better than Beau right? Well, at least Beau didn't pee on you ;)
And I'm happy you like Daphne Loves Derby, it's just too bad they don't make any more music.
So, I want to check out Pushing Daisies and you can watch Firefly with me :)
I love spinach except I've been eating not fresh spinach all summer so I'm kinda sick of it...
And I'm excited to see what your new nosering will look like
mmm spinach! :)
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