While we were there, in Aberdeen, SD, we went to Story Book Land... which was oh so magical for me and all the other little 7-year-olds there.
I have wanted a bunny for a very long time and I saw these little guys on Etsy... Definitely more travel-friendly and easier to manage than a real one.

I have been reading Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning and it is really speaking to me. It has been convicting and humbling.. and I am only on page 80 something. I hope to finish the rest soon. Check it out if you need a good read about being humbled before God and loving well.

I have been wanting to do the whole Take 1 picture for a year, deal.. but then I came across Evoke: Creative Evangelistic Ministries online, and they had an even better idea. A group of people are going to be doing one painting every day... for 365 days. That.. is a great idea. I can't wait till Jan 1st to start!(ps. This is my favorite painting I did this summer)

I have ate unhealthy for way too long and with several blogging friends trying out new healthy recipes and new green smoothies and fruit smoothies.. I decided to try it as well! For the next two weeks I will be cooking for my mom who can't have any hard foods because of her surgery, and so this will be a perfect time to experiment with them! I got inspired by Stacy's blog and her raw diet.. and though I am not going as extreme.. I will eventually work up to the green smoothie.. I am a fruity-type smoothie person and the greens scares me. BUT, I made a fruit smoothie today and added some lettuce in it, and couldn't taste it.. Baby steps, right? Here is a picture of her beautiful concoction... mine is much more blue :) (I love blueberries, what can I say?)

Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful day we have been given!
God bless,
are you reading the visual edition of Ragamuffin? Because if not, and you're interested, we have it! it's pretty cool. :)
no, I'm not.. I'm reading the regular book.. but I liked this cover better, haha.. :) I'd like to check out the visual edition and see the artwork, though!
I like your treasure picks for this week :) I'm excited for some more road trips in the coming years and hope we can explore some exotic places.
I don't know how I feel about the green smoothie still, but I'd be willing to try your blue smoothie :)
Also next time I'm sleepy and we're talking on the phone you can tell me more about Ragamuffin Gospel :)
we do spinach in our green smoothies, and you can't taste it a bit - - seriously. We have 3 kids and a picky husband who all think so :) I tried romaine lettuce once, though, and it definately tasted like I was drinking a salad :(
ART MEETING THE LORD how about a painting with the Lord in a smple talk with you on your everyday life con cerns He does just that if you ask our message and original lyrics can be used free non commercially free lyrics g. hubbard p.o. box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004 blog http://talkwiththe lord.blogspot.com/
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