Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Year Older

A year is only made up of days, and days, we know, “fly by”. This year is no exception, I realize, as I sit in a house that is not the one I grew up in. I am twenty-three years old today. I am at the stage where young people think I am hip, and old people think I am naïve and young. I guess I fit the standard, though usually failing at being hip and just giving in to my awkward, goofy nature. And though I am young.. I have learned a lot this year...

I have learned about pure love and laying my own lust and desires aside.
I have learned of patience and that waiting on careers and living situations was the best thing that happened to my summer.
I have learned a lot about my mom, seeing her as a person, and not just as a mother.
I have learned a lot about commitment in my relationship with JB and friends who tried to fall away from God.
I have learned that turkey makes you sleepy when you eat it.
I have learned to be a vagabond and being willing to rely on others.
And I have learned a lot about Christ’s faithfulness.

Its beautiful to realize that I have grown so much in 365 days. I think the word “transition” encompasses everything about my last year. Location transitions, spiritual transitions, relational transitions... you name it, I have probably changed to some degree because of the world around my steady feet. My favorite part of transitioning is the day after the rain. When the ground is still littered with puddles of a thunderstorm I wasn’t sure I could handle another second of. I peer into the water and the sun’s glare hits my eye, and I know I have learned something. A new wind blows through the land now. There is a change in my heart and a smile on my lips as God begins cleaning up the broken pieces the storm left behind.

This season of my life has held the most fulfilling and joyous times in my life, and also the most challenging and difficult times as well. But maybe it was only fulfilling because of the challenges? I know I haven’t seen the worst of times, or even the worst of my time here on this earth. But, man, have I seen Jesus. And in His light, there is no shadow of fear or timidity. And with that, I have hope for the future because of the proof of His past.
To another year of transition and challenges
And even more of love and joy!
Yours truly, Em


Jabulani said...

I love this Em! You are a great writer and reflector. I've missed reading your blogs. Hopefully it'll be a bit easier when you have your own place again :) Thank you for being an amazing woman and sticking through all of the hard times. I know the challenges of what we go through is hard, but you're so right about it being worth it!

I love living life with you and am excited for our next year of being together!

Brenna B. said...

This is beautiful. I love that I have gotten to watch you grow this past year and see God really challenge you. I am so thankful for the amazing friendship God has given us. Words can't express how much you mean to me, girl!!!

Shana said...

This may be my favorite post of yours. Ever. Beautiful use of words.