The winter chill seeps through my apartment window and dances lightly across my bare feet and I wish I knew how to fix that problem. I had tried blankets where frosty's fingers could crawl through, but that had little effect... But...then again, I don't rush to get a pair of socks. There is something invigorating about not wearing shoes or socks. I had a dream when I was in Texas that I was running through a stream and then a beautiful field barefoot. I remember the cool and free feeling, until someone stopped me and told me if I kept doing this then I would step on a parasite that would bury into my skin and slowly kill me. I don't know why I remember this dream so vividly when the rest blur into a thousand yesterdays... but I remember my heartbreak at this person's words. I do think dreams have some meaning, and it's our subconscious revealing what we are really going through.

My conclusion.. after the dream coming back to me this morning.. is that my feet represent my freedom through Jesus to not conform to the worries and doubts of this world. Being barefoot is natural and beautiful and
free. Trying to live with Jesus at the forefront is beautiful in the heart.. natural in the soul.. and freeing of your body. But the world... the world has different ideas. It tells us we must submit to its standards of conceited ideas and a fast-paced world, Hence the parasite in my foot that could and would slowly kill me.
But do we put shoes on, when we hear this warning? Do we conform to an imprisoned life? No.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will."
Rom 12:2
I love that God gives instruction to non-conformity, even to becoming a Christian blindly.
"Leave them" Jesus instructs,
"They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." Matthew 15:14
I love my barefoot faith, covered in callouses and cuts. I am okay with the fact that many people in my life choose to live in fear of the unknown. But I don't want to be blind anymore. I choose truth and I will test my faith till the day I die with eyes that see both the beauty and destruction of this world.
1 comment:
What a great blog to start the new year off with. I like the idea of freedom in Jesus being compared to freedom of barefootedness, very unique and creative (you should probably do a section in your book about barefoot faith). I love the passion in that last line that you wrote, "But I don't want to be blind anymore. I choose truth and I will test my faith till the day I die with eyes that see both the beauty and destruction of this world." Incredible. You've written another masterpiece and am excited to keep reading the new blogs this year.
And, as much I love the idea and concept of being barefoot, please put on socks and shoes when you go out in the snow, you're not allowed to have frostbitten black feet ;)
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