Monday, May 3, 2010

The Theme is Trust

As psalm 125 so boldly states, we are like Mount Zion if we trust in the Lord. And though it is an obvious "christian" idea, it is probably one of the hardest things to do. For trusting in God is faith- which is believing that which we do not see. Its easy to look back at the last 22 years of my life and see God's hand in all the places where my heart has changed and my pace has quickened in excitement. He has been in the cool mornings of heartbreak; bringing healing and contentment to my soul. He has been in friendships that fade and blossom. He was my rock that kept the ruins of the world from falling on me, when I assumed they would crush my lungs. He was there whispering truth in my heart as satan whispered in my ear. He was there in the exhilarating joy of helping a friend. His blood was there when I thought I was not enough. And He continues to be here even when my future seems foggy and desperate.

But what is trust without desperation? What is faith without being desperate to cling to something meaningful and stable?

Is it foolish not to make plans a year in advance? possibly.
Is it the American way to have your life pre-planned? yes.
Did Jesus ask us, anywhere in the bible, to have schedules? Not that I recall.

I do remember when Jesus tells the fishermen Simon and Andrew to follow Him because He will make them "Fishers of men" in Mark 1:17. And in verse 18 it says "at once they left their nets and followed Him."
I like Jesus' style.
I don't want to be bogged down and so fond of my "nets" that I can't give them up to follow Jesus at any moment of my life. I crave that freedom.

But as I wait for Jesus to ask me this question I tend to drift back to my old ways of worry, anxiety and doubt. And then I wonder, hasn't Jesus already asked me this? Don't I continue to drop my nets and follow Him everyday, in every decision I make? Am I waiting for a sign or a grand event that has already happened in my salvation?

Why do I not trust when God fills my lungs with oxygen every day and gives me a place to rest my head and food to eat? What more should I want? And why is America so keen on planning a future that is full of emptiness and will more than likely change?
All I know is that God never moves nor changes, and it is when we try to change Him, that we feel disappointed. The most amazing times in my life, and biggest changes, have been when God asks me to choose Him. And choose Him I will.
No matter the cost.


Debs said...

I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

I want to read your blog real bad...but I'm pretty sure my eyes are going to pop out of my head right now....but I promise I'll be back...because I love you...and you write wicked awesome.
