Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Missional Artistry

As a handful of you know, I have another blog that is my picture and random blog on tumblr. Lately I have been searching blogs who posted things about Dustin Kensrue, wanting to know more about his tour dates and music, etc...
Kensrue's album revolves around Christianity. Granted, I don't know everything about his life, but his songs are obviously about specific bible stories/vrs, faith, Jesus, etc. It is plain and out there. But his style is so raw, and as I was encountering these blogs of Dustin addicts on tumblr, I was a little shocked that most of them were not Christians, actually, none that I saw were practicing Jesus-followers.
It kind of took me off guard.

Why would they love an artist and a band (thrice) who were so openly out there about God? I don't see an atheist marching around with a Casting Crowns t-shirt. (I wouldn't even do that, actually). But its something about this guy's music that is raw and true and heartfelt. Its something about his musical ability and voice that can draw a crowd because of his gift.... and then introduce them to Jesus through his music. People that have no hope, finding hope in a song about how being floozy and drinking all the time isn't the way to go. Or one of my personal favorite lines.. "maybe music television really is the devil after all".

Seeing this is inspiring. I was introduced to good ole' Dustin my freshman year of college and have latched onto his music since then. JB has recently got me hooked on thrice (his band) which is just as popular in the "secular" world. And its inspiring, because though I do admire christian artists who sing worship music and sing to adoring fans who love Jesus... What about Chrisitan artists who sing to a room of mixed atheists, christians and agnostics?

That, that would be terrifying.
But that is some missional artistry, my friends.

Thrice-Moving Mountains

Dustin Kensrue- I Knew You Before

Enjoy! Let me know what you think of him, and your ideas on this topic in general..
God Bless


Jabulani said...

I like your term Missional Artistry :) I hope we can both practice that throughout the coming years.

You're right that it's awesome when christian bands go out with the secular ones and are able to stay true to Jesus even when everyone else around them is living secularly but are able to rock just as hard as everyone around them.

I think it is important not to criticize the Christian bands that live in the Christian world and sing Christian songs; they are doing something just as awesome and still sharing their talents and glorifying God just with a different audience.

Thanks for the great reminder though Em and good choice on youtube vids :)

Paulie Antiques said...
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Paulie Antiques said...

I saw your comment on Elsie's blog that you live in Springfield, IL! (she lives in MO). I go to LLCC right now!! We are very close! I live in Taylorville! :D

let's be friends!

love, the littlest polly