Twelve is a semi-distant yet intimately close number. When customers pick up a dozen eggs or donuts, they hold them in their hands knowing their family can finish them off before they get stale or old. 12 is not much, not really.
As I think about the 12 days to go till I am joined in marriage with the man I have grown to love, I realize they will go by in the wink of an eye. The realness of being married has struck me today in a new and exciting way. I can't give the feeling justice- but I know its roots are made up of contentment and joy that only God can give.
Decorations, music, flowers, programs, food... all matters a little less in my heart each day we get closer.
How our eyes drop from the goal when we focus on silly little details. My eyes would wander from wedding blog to wedding blog with anxiety thinking I needed to have a certain look or feel to my "day". And lately I have stopped looking, I don't follow as many blogs, I don't obsess over details.. because I know its real now. My dream wedding that I felt would never arrive has come and it doesn't need to be adorned with jewels. God's precious gift is enough.
I understand why women say they can't wait to "marry their best friend". Indeed, what an exciting way to live life alongside a man that will make you laugh, will grow you, will struggle with you, will love you, will guide you, and will protect you...
So as I sit on my aunt's couch, excited to be starting a whole new life in less than two weeks, I realize wow, I am getting
married in as many days as I can hold in my hands at a grocery store.
So excited for you both!!
Mmmmm I can't wait! These last few days are going to drag on but looking back will be like a blink of an eye. I can't wait to marry you as my best friend and grow with you in new ways and continue learning how to deepen my love for you. You are the most amazing and incredible and beautiful person I know :)
Dido to JB's response...minus the marrying you part. But in all seriousness, I can't believe it's almost here. To have known you before, during and now to this point of your relationship it is incredible how much you have grown and changed but all for good and all in God's glory. I'm so blessed to have seen this from the beginning and even more blessed to get to see it go on into the future. You bring out the best in each other and......I think I just wrote my speech for your wedding. I love you both and I'm oh so very excited for the big day!
Em- I'm so happy for you and JB!
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