Tuesday, January 10, 2012


     This morning I decided to start the book of Ruth.  I have always loved the story since the protagonist is a woman who makes hard decisions and chooses God, even when her past says she doesn't have to.  One thing in chapter one that stood out to me today was this idea of Naomi (Ruth's mother-in-law) going to where God is providing for His people.  After her husband and two sons have died and she is left with her two daughter in laws, she heard "that the Lord had visited his people and given them food (in the land of Judah)."  So when she takes off to leave, she tells Ruth and Orpah that they need to go back to their own mothers so they can be wed again.  Orpah finally consents, but Ruth "clings" to Naomi.  That word strikes me as someone desperate.. A girl who loves someone so much they will not allow them self to be separated.  Ruth is so sure that Naomi is her future and who she will follow.  Ruth's infamous line is a testimony to her dedication, "Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you.  For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge.  Your people shall be my people, and your God my God."  And what a testimony to Naomi!  How I would love someone cling to me and say, "your God will be my God!" 
      Personally I have failed to be a Naomi.  A lot of times I wait for God to act, and I wonder why I don't see His work done.  I have become frustrated and often times revel in abandonment.  And then I read stories from the Bible like this, and it reminds me that if Naomi hadn't made a move, Ruth would never have met Boaz on her own... and probably went back to her pagan background, never knowing Jesus.  Its Naomi taking action and going to where God is providing.
     I know in some situations God provides for us where we are, when we are too weak to move.  I had this experience as a young woman going down the wrong path.  God intervened.  And sometimes I wonder if its different now, that I know Him and know I must follow Him.  I think its different in every season of my life, and of yours as well.
    So if you aren't seeing God work in your life and you are frustrated... maybe you shouldn't ask "Why aren't you seeking me out Lord?"  But ask God to show you what you are missing, who you are missing.  Where is He working that you need to be a part of, and who is clinging to you, that you may lead them there as well.

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