Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Psalm 96

Create a song as new as thy breath,
Every person and thing lift a voice of praise to God.
Put words to music about His story,
a story of sacrifice, love and awe.

Each day allow your words to reflect his creation.
His light,
His saving power.
Go to cities, countries, continents filled with unbelief.
Spread the good news to the world that has not been reached.
God's love must be shared and praised.

His truth feared before any idols of materialism or addiction,
golden calves of power, money or lust.

Our Lord is dressed in rivers of blinding splendor.
He opens His safe arms to our childish fears.
We rest in His perfection and strength.

Brothers and sisters of Christ, make sure to give all credit to our Savior.
His name demands all the glory, not our feeble hands.
Bring Him the gifts that speaks joy to His heart.
Loving others and turning their faces to His.

Respect God's grandness, even the powerful lion trembles at His voice.
Tell the unbelieving that God shall never be moved, nor the world.
We are His children, whether we rebel or follow his whisper, it is
His right to fairly deal with us. 

You believers find joy in His righteousness.
The heavens paint sunsets of praise and
the earth raises its voice in splendid melody

The ocean claps to its Maker while fish breach
its surface trying to touch the hems of His robes.

The fawn and fox in meadow raise their heads in triumph
and the trees themselves creak a boastful love song
for the Father of all things.

We sing in joy for His sudden arrival to judge the
world one final time.
And his chosen people, the lovers of His soul,
will never see another tear or star-less night again.
God's faithfulness will shine forever!

(Psalm 96, as retold by Emily Barnett)